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Production & Transport

From the sourcing of raw materials to last-mile delivery, how we get our products to your door.

The most significant impacts on the environment and society from companies’ operation occur when focusing down the value chain. Now more than ever, it is essential to integrate sustainability-focused practices throughout our supply and value chains.

At Viking, we believe the best way to ensure the production of sustainable products is to look at the product’s environmental impact throughout the product’s entire lifecycle, beginning with responsible and transparent value chain management.

Production & Transport

From the sourcing of raw materials to last-mile delivery, how we get our products to your door.

The most significant impacts on the environment and society from companies’ operation occur when focusing down the value chain. Now more than ever, it is essential to integrate sustainability-focused practices throughout our supply and value chains.

At Viking, we believe the best way to ensure the production of sustainable products is to look at the product’s environmental impact throughout the product’s entire lifecycle, beginning with responsible and transparent value chain management.

Sourcing and Production

At Viking, we have categorically worked through and evaluated our value chain, made changes, and ended partnerships with those unable to meet the sustainability standards that align with our goals and standards.

In 2020, Viking prioritized suppliers who focus on sustainable materials and continue to work with suppliers and manufacturers who seek strategic and continuous environmental and social improvements within their role of sourcing raw materials and the production processes.

  • We have prioritized subcontractors and suppliers who have established wastewater recycling and water-saving programs.
  • We have prioritized subcontractors and suppliers who use renewable and recycled power and suppliers who invest in production equipment to reduce energy consumption.
  • We will prioritize subcontractors and suppliers who better manage waste generated in production, focusing on reduction, reuse, and recycling in 2022/23.

It’s challenging to secure every step of the process in a global value chain, from sourcing to production. That’s why we employ the use of third-party certifications that set precise requirements for suppliers regarding traceability, water and chemicals use in the production process, animal welfare, and sustainable forestry.

Sourcing and Production

At Viking, we have categorically worked through and evaluated our value chain, made changes, and ended partnerships with those unable to meet the sustainability standards that align with our goals and standards.

In 2020, Viking prioritized suppliers who focus on sustainable materials and continue to work with suppliers and manufacturers who seek strategic and continuous environmental and social improvements within their role of sourcing raw materials and the production processes.

  • We have prioritized subcontractors and suppliers who have established wastewater recycling and water-saving programs.
  • We have prioritized subcontractors and suppliers who use renewable and recycled power and suppliers who invest in production equipment to reduce energy consumption.
  • We will prioritize subcontractors and suppliers who better manage waste generated in production, focusing on reduction, reuse, and recycling in 2022/23.

It’s challenging to secure every step of the process in a global value chain, from sourcing to production. That’s why we employ the use of third-party certifications that set precise requirements for suppliers regarding traceability, water and chemicals use in the production process, animal welfare, and sustainable forestry.


Viking works with SATRA to maintain compliance with relevant legal requirements, test and analyze components in our products, and support development and innovation projects.

SATRA is an independent research and testing organization that tests footwear products for restricted substances in accordance with European REACH and US chemicals regulations for which it is CPSC-accredited.

Together with SATRA, Viking has developed its own «Chemical Substance Restriction List,» which is reevaluated and renewed every six months to ensure international legislation is included at all times. Our restricted substance list also provides certified test methods to ensure that tests are conducted following established standards. This list is sent to and signed by our first-tier manufacturers and subcontractors every six months.

Download the Chemical restricted substance list here.


At Viking, we are actively engaged in developing more sustainable solutions for our products and our customers. In 2019 we researched our children’s market for interest and participation in a use and reuse program. This program would allow participants to rent children’s shoes directly from Viking and return and repair them as needed. We are currently looking into launching a pilot for a circular service in Norway.

We believe that for our customers, renting shoes for their children will have a positive impact on both the environment as well as household finances. In addition to finances, it will also positively impact time and home storage. For us, a rental solution means creating a business model that works financially and environmentally while still benefiting our customers.


Bring and DB Schenker are the primary transport companies used by Viking. Both Bring and DB Schenker have made improvements towards sustainability in the logistics and delivery sector through the utilization of green technology, carbon emissions reduction, and last-mile consolidation.

See share of airfreight per year below:

  • 2021: 0%
  • 2020: 0,41%
  • 2019: 8,00%
  • 2018: 0,36%
  • 2017: 1,29%
  • 2016: 0,23%
  • 2015: 0,81%


Bring and DB Schenker are the primary transport companies used by Viking. Both Bring and DB Schenker have made improvements towards sustainability in the logistics and delivery sector through the utilization of green technology, carbon emissions reduction, and last-mile consolidation.

See share of airfreight per year below:

  • 2021: 0%
  • 2020: 0,41%
  • 2019: 8,00%
  • 2018: 0,36%
  • 2017: 1,29%
  • 2016: 0,23%
  • 2015: 0,81%

Shipping of Direct to Consumer Products

All Viking products are packed and shipped in recycled materials. Returned packaging is collected and recycled at a recycling station in Sweden. The transport companies make partial use of renewable energy and measure their CO2 footprint.

Shipping of Direct to Consumer Products

All Viking products are packed and shipped in recycled materials. Returned packaging is collected and recycled at a recycling station in Sweden. The transport companies make partial use of renewable energy and measure their CO2 footprint.

Shipping of Products from Manufacturers

All products are packed and transported in Forest Stewardship Certified (FSC) certified cardboard. We continue to work to minimize the use of plastic used to transport our products and have removed all unnecessary plastic from the packaging. However, total removal of plastic will result in a significant increase in cardboard volume which reduces transport efficiency and hence increases emissions.

The transport and logistics companies we partner with incorporate the use of renewable energy and have integrated sustainable practices into their business, such as measuring their CO2 footprint.

Shipping of Products from Manufacturers​

All products are packed and transported in Forest Stewardship Certified (FSC) certified cardboard. We continue to work to minimize the use of plastic used to transport our products and have removed all unnecessary plastic from the packaging. However, total removal of plastic will result in a significant increase in cardboard volume which reduces transport efficiency and hence increases emissions.

The transport and logistics companies we partner with incorporate the use of renewable energy and have integrated sustainable practices into their business, such as measuring their CO2 footprint.

Product Use & Reuse

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