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Products & Materials

We are committed to renewable and recyclable resources and exploring a circular practice.

At Viking, our goal is to use 100% renewable or recyclable resources by 2030. In 2021 we set new product and material KPIs and standards as part of Viking’s sustainability goal of becoming a climate-positive company by 2030. In 2021, we also launched «Less Impact», which highlights products that leave a lighter footprint, to help our customers make more informed choices when shopping for new footwear.
The value chain around packaging has been evaluated across all of our first-tier manufacturers. From 2020, all Viking shoe boxes and stickers are produced with 100% recycled, and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified raw materials. By changing the construction of our shoeboxes, we have reduced both production waste and energy consumption. Additionally, only water-based glue and inks from post-consumer soybeans are used.

Our Less Impact Products

Understanding consumer products and sustainability can sometimes be complex and confusing. Our «Less Impact» highlights products with a lighter impact on people and the planet to help our customers make more informed choices when shopping for new footwear. At Viking, we aim to employ credible third-party certifications that set precise requirements for our suppliers regarding traceability in the production process.
For a Viking product to qualify for «Less Impact» the product needs to meet at least one of our sustainability criteria, covering social, environmental, or animal welfare standards. Criteria are based on third-party certifications, branded materials such as Yulex from sustainable forestry. Our third-party certifications include Global Recycling Standard (GRS), Leather Working Group (LWG) and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).

Standards and certifications

Viking aims to develop high-quality, durable footwear with a long product life. We actively collaborate with our suppliers to create, develop and test new and more environmentally friendly materials and production processes. We employ the use of third-party certifications that set precise requirements for suppliers regarding traceability, water and chemicals use in the production process, animal welfare, and sustainable forestry.
We invite you to continue below and explore the standard third-party certifications we use here at Viking:
The bluesign® system provides safer and more sustainable environments for people to work in and live in by following each textiles path throughout the manufacturing process and making improvements at every stage from the factory floor to the finished product.
bluesign® acts as an independent verifier to secure trust and transparency by certifying manufacturing facilities and following strict safety and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and production standards. bluesign® ensures that the final textile product meets consumer safety requirements worldwide and assures the consumer that they are receiving a more sustainably made product.
Viking uses bluesign® approved textiles and works with suppliers that are bluesign® system partners.
You can find bluesign® certified material in the lining of all our Gore-Tex shoes. This continues to be our target standard in 2021.
The Global Recycle Standard (GRS) is an international product standard that sets requirements for third-party certification of recycled content, chain of custody, social and environmental practices, and chemical restrictions.
The GRS’s objective is to help companies verify their products’ recycled content and the environmental and chemical practices in their production. Sustainability and recycled materials add value in today’s market, and the demand often exceeds the supply. Unfortunately, this can lead to false claims of environmental and social responsibility, the use of recycled content in their manufacturing, and finished products. To ensure our products are produced ethically and reflect our sustainability goals, our products follow GRS-certified guidelines.
In 2020 we used GRS certified recycled polyester in 50% of all our laces. Our target for 2021 is to use GRS-certified recycled polyester in 100% of our laces./div>

Oeko-Tex® is the most globally recognized certification for product safety and sustainability labelling within the textile industry. Oeko-Tex® offers a range of independent certifications and product labels, enabling us to make responsible decisions that favor products produced responsibly and ethically.
Viking uses Oeko-Tex® approved textiles and works with suppliers that facilitate Oeko-Tex certified production. You can find Oeko-Tex certified material in the lining of our GORE-TEX shoes.
In 2020 we used Oeko-Tex certified material in 100% of our linings in GORE-TEX shoes. In 2021, the target will continue to be 100%.
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international and independent cooperation that promotes and advocates for socially beneficial and economically viable management of the world’s forests.
For a commercial forest to receive FSC certification, it must adhere to FSC’s guiding principles. These principles cover a broad range of issues and ultimately ensure forestry does not lead to deforestation. That logging takes place in a controlled manner, and that consideration is given to the local population, biological diversity, workers’ rights, and social impacts.
Since 2019, Viking has been working to make our packaging more sustainable. All Viking shoe boxes, hangtags, and stickers are produced with 100% recycled FSC certified raw materials.
Leather Working Group (LWG) is a not-for-profit membership organization created in 2015 with the objective of assessing the environmental compliance and performance practices of leather manufacturers to promote sustainable environmental practices through certification. Today, LWG Certification is now recognized as the world’s premier sustainable leather manufacturing certification.
In 2020 we used leather from gold and silver-rated LWG certified tanneries on 12,3% of our leather shoes and boots. In 2021 our target is 25%.

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